Interview with Stephen [Pacifist]

I got an awesome opportunity to chat with Stephen from the New Orleans based Grindcore band Pacifist! Known for their insane music, hilarious music videos, and….dildoes! I have been following these guys since I first saw their music video for the song “Happiness” and since then they have seemed to been making quite alot of progress! Check out the interview;

TRBP: For those of us who may not know, please introduce yourself and your band!
SP: WE ARE PACIFIST FROM NEW ORLEANS, LA! We are a grind/metal/experimental or whatever band and we pretty much suck! 😉

TRBP: So, how did Pacifist begin as a band?
SP: We all were in several bands before we were PACIFIST and we finally clicked on writing and we starting playing the EXACT style we always wanted to.

TRBP: Your music is fairly [to say the least] aggressive, yet your band is called Pacifist; What is the connection between the bands name and the sound? If any?
SP: YES! We are all very BI POLAR. We are really happy guys. We aren’t some “tough” guys or whatever. But when we play we just let every single emotion we have into our live performance. There is no point of us going up there and playing if we aren’t going to put 110% into it. So basically it’s just irony i guess? Happy go lucky guys and then we go on stage and we are punching each other in the face and hitting each other with instruments.

TRBP: There seems to be a really strong influence of Grindcore in your music, let alone many other extreme forms of music. What really inspired the use of kind of controlled chaos with jazzy interludes in your music?
SP: Well we are from New Orleans, LA and we love Jazz we don’t have as much Jazz influence as we originally wanted. We were probably listening to to much Converge or Dillinger Escape Plan. lol We just really wanted to make the listener jump from certain emotions. And jumping from Jazz to Grindcore?

TRBP: The music videos you guys have posted so far have been pretty hilarious! You guys seem like you have a very comfortable sense of humor if that makes any sense hahaha Where did the ideas for these videos come from? And do they in any way shape or form represent any of the co-responding songs?
SP: Thank you, Like I said before we are not a “tough” band by any means. So we wanted our music videos to be really funny and what not. No real other connection there is some. But if you read the lyrics they are in there! 🙂

TRBP: You guys are on tour right now correct? How is it going so far? Is it your first time on the road?
SP: yes we are on THE MANBEARPIG IS REAL TOUR w/ Triumph Over Shipwreck from El Paso, TX. It is going great now! We had a tough time the first week thanks to the winter storm that kicked our asses. No This is not our first time on tour. We try to play as much shows as possible so we can hang out with friends and make new ones!

TRBP: Any ridiculous stories so far? hahaha
SP: Um none really just us breaking tons of our equipment from throwing it around. God knows how many wireless systems, bassists, microphones,guitars and etc we have broke. that’s about it

TRBP: Your EP Everybody Loves Fun is a pretty nice start for you guys, whats the reception been like so far for it?
SP: Well it is our 2nd EP and I think everyone likes this one a lot more. compared to the other one this one is way more “mathcore” influenced I suppose?

TRBP: Any future plans for recording?
SP: We are recording a new EP in the summer called “MONSTERS” and it will even have a cover song on it!

TRBP: Last question! When the fuck are you guys gonna come play in Canada?!
05/27 Kitchener/Cambridge, Canada (Ane Production)
05/28 Toronto, Canada (Wicked Music Promotions)
05/29 Belleville, Canada (J.C Bookings)

Thanks again to Stephen for the interview, and be sure to check out Pacifist when they come to our neck of the woods! Or if you’re from the states, go fucking see Pacifist!

About Andrew

Founder of The Running Board Press View all posts by Andrew

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